Friday, October 31, 2008

Stand up for truth, integrity and values!

I have been doing a lot of reading lately and have become very concerned about this country. This is the greatest country in the world. I know that may sound boastful but where else in the world do you currently have the freedoms that you and I enjoy here. That freedom I believe is under attack and it is under attack in her own borders by some of her own citizens. There are several groups out there that, using the guise of the environment, national security, financial security, freedom of choice, or anything else you might be able to think of. They usually use a name or title that sounds good but by taking a long, hard look at it all this group or that wants is control. These types of groups have always existed. Look at the kingmen that existed in the Book of Mormon. (Alma 51:5) You could look also at the Gadianton Robbers. (Helaman 7:4) In today's society they may not go by these names but their intent is still the same, to gain control over the government and over the people. The most frightening thing about all this is that there are citizens of this country and in our government that believe making these changes that limits our freedoms, goes against the US Constitution, and controls what we can and cannot do is a good idea because it is in name of "security." Well, I'm not buying that! We need to fight for what the founding fathers fought so adamantly to uphold. This is a crucial time in our nation's history where we will either look back and say, "we fought a good fight and stood up for truth, integrity, and values" or we will look back and say "look at what we could've had if we had only stood up and made our voices heard."

As members of the church I believe we have an obligation, a responsibility, to not be complacent. We need to stand for right and truth. We need to stand up and make our voices heard. We need to bring out our own 'title of liberty' if you will. (Alma 46:12-13) In my last post, I quoted a prophecy by Joseph Smith. At the end, he made this statement, " [the members of the church] will save the country when it's liberty hangs by a hair, as it were." Now is the time to do is. I believe life in this country is only going to get worse. Let us all try to be like Captain Moroni. It was said of him that "if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men." (Alma 48:17)

You may think I am crazy but I believe the time is coming when there will be a proverbial line in the sand and you will have to make a decision which side of that line you are going to be on. One side of that line will stand for truth and righteousness and the other will not. One side of that line will stand for "our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children" and the other will not. (Alma 46:12) One side will stand for the principles that made this country great which are found in the Constitution of the United States of America and the other will not.

Which side do you want to be on?
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